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medical disinformation

SEGM Exposed Reloaded: The Shadow Money Behind a Leading Anti-Trans Think Tank

By: Lee Leveille and Quinnehtukqut McLamore

The Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM), a fringe organization known for intentionally misrepresenting the state of evidence for gender-affirmative care and for collaborating with anti-trans and anti-queer hate groups, has been a key source for anti-trans legislation and policies worldwide. Their members and affiliates are not only cited by conservative governments, but have been paid large sums by these same governments as “experts.” Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida went so far as to appoint a member of SEGM—Patrick Hunter—to the Florida Board of Medicine, where he has worked to ban care for trans youth in the state. Such striking influence in an organization so young has made activists, researchers, and lawyers alike interested in SEGM’s infrastructure and finances—particularly because despite the organization being required to submit tax documentation as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, SEGM’s are opaque. Past reporting by researchers at Trans Safety Network (TSN) has noted that large chunks of SEGM’s early financing came from three large, anonymous donations on a GoFundMe, and that collaborations with known anti-queer hate organizations like American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) and conversion therapy networks like International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC) helped launch the group’s influence.

Now, Health Liberation Now has been able to identify another source of funding for SEGM—as well as the overall assets and income reported to the IRS by SEGM in December 2020 and December 2021. During the first year of SEGM’s official tenure as a non-profit (occurring some time between July 1, 2020-June 30th, 2021), the EDWARD CHARLES FOUNDATION (website here) made a “charitable gift” to SEGM in the amount of $100,000, as per public tax records available on ProPublica (Form 990, Schedule I) obtained searching for any reference to SEGM’s tax identification number (84-4520593). This donation potentially represented more than half SEGM’s reported income for 2020 as per the Master File maintained by the IRS, which was previously unknown. This report aims to contextualize this large influx of cash with respect to SEGM’s background, activities as an organization, and policy influence. We not only detail what is known regarding SEGM’s history and activities, but provide a detailed timeline of all known fundraising efforts and key figures.

Read More »SEGM Exposed Reloaded: The Shadow Money Behind a Leading Anti-Trans Think Tank

Fact-check: About Socialstyrelsen’s Decision and Trans Care in Sweden

By Anonymous

Editor note: This submission is from a Swedish-French comrade who wishes to remain anonymous. In an effort to combat the prolific disinformation circulating about Sweden’s trans health care system and the decisions from Socialstyrelsen, Health Liberation Now! is hosting an English version below. It should be accurate as of 10.15.2022. We will make edits as needed should new information or corrections come up.

Author note: This was translated from a French version and may feature clunky phrasing.

Why does this document exist?

Anti-trans organisations in any given country love to argue that other countries, such as Sweden and Finland, have fully stopped (notably hormonal) transitions for youths (thereafter used to mean “under 18yo”). It’s at best an oversimplification and at worst a plain lie. Even among those who support trans people and transition access for youths, inaccurate information is often repeated and goes viral, with most of the readers unable to fact-check due to not reading Swedish or even English.

As an annoyed French-Swedish trans person tired of repeating myself, I instead wrote this to sum up what was actually decided, with cultural / administrative context and links to all the original documents (generally in Swedish).

Read More »Fact-check: About Socialstyrelsen’s Decision and Trans Care in Sweden

A New Era: Key Actors Behind Anti-Trans Conversion Therapy

Editor note 6.4.2022: A previous version of this report stated in the Methodology section that the threshold for identifying notable figures was four or more connections. The correct threshold is five or more, as noted throughout the rest of the report. This error has since been corrected.

Over the past six years, a new cottage industry has emerged promoting what’s now being called “gender exploratory therapy” as the first line of care for trans and gender diverse people. This push stems from a central web of anti-trans groups whose leadership bases, citations, and collaborations interconnect. As the spread of targeted anti-trans conversion practices continues, Health Liberation Now! (HLN) investigated the relationships between fifteen prominent anti-trans groups or projects that have significant interest in “exploratory therapy” and international influence. The following report serves as a pair to our Anti-Trans Conversion Therapy Map of Influence, detailing our findings of the data behind the network map and what it means for trans and gender diverse people around the world.

Click below to read online or via PDF.

Content Notes and Definitions

This report contains detailed discussion of anti-LGBTQ+ conversion practices of secular and faith-based varieties, with a particular focus on anti-trans conversion practices. There is also brief reference to childhood sexual abuse (including child sexual abuse material), grooming, and pornography. Some quotes or citations may be upsetting for survivors.

This piece is published by trans survivor advocates in the name of public interest. It should not be construed as legal advice. If you’re from the United States and need supports related to conversion practices, you can find information at Born Perfect. Additional supports for trans and gender diverse people who are distressed or in crisis can be found at the Trevor Project (youth and young adults up to age 24, (866) 488-7386 (US)) or Trans LifeLine (adults, available in English and español, (877) 565-8860 (US) or (877) 330-6366 (CA)).

Read More »A New Era: Key Actors Behind Anti-Trans Conversion Therapy
Black and light grey sketch drawing of a magnifying glass, turned slightly to the left.

A Brief Commentary on Dr. Littman’s Response to Dr. Restar

By: L

Questions or comments for the author can be directed to Health Liberation Now! here.

There has been much written about Dr. Lisa Littman’s supposed identification of a “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) phenomenon and the subsequent use of the term by anti-trans groups to justify restricting access to gender-affirming care for transgender adolescents. Something which has gotten less attention is the post-correction defense that Littman published in 2020[1] of her original paper,[2] in which she responded to one particular critique made by Dr. Arjee Restar.[3] However, given that the criticisms Littman responded to in this paper overlap some with the concerns I raised in my own recently posed questions to Littman, I felt it would be helpful to highlight some points that she makes here and where they fall short. As in the questions that we sent to Littman, my analysis focuses on Littman’s interpretation and presentation of her work; the debate around its scientific merit is more or less a dead horse.

Read More »A Brief Commentary on Dr. Littman’s Response to Dr. Restar