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Jennifer Bilek AGP discussion youtube comment

YouTube comment posted by Jennifer Bilek, noted as 2 days ago (edited) with 13 likes.

Text reads:

Stella’s righteousness indignation over the expressed safeguarding concerns of many women does not play well AT ALL, nor does her inability to listen to & hear what is being said (this is the job of a good therapist).
The idea that the public needs to be educated about fetishes and this is why she platforms AGPs & Professionals who promote fetish as just another form of sexuality is just nonsense. The more the general population is exposed to fetishes and fetishists, the more normalized it becomes. She said herself she believes the rampant advance of AGP in young men comes from exposure to pornography (which she later contradicts by saying she doesn’t have any idea where it comes from), so why would platforming & continued discussions from AGPs not be seen as the same? This happens with serial killers too, by the way. The more exposure there is of them, the more men take it up. This is fact. Fetish needs to be abolished in the public. Fetish should be stigmatized so people don’t feel so comfortable bringing theirs to work, or school or the street, as is happening now! What exactly does she think is going on here in the culture? It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure it out. The porn industry is is a 35 billion dollar a year biz. Of course it’s coming from porn & kids free access to material they are not mature enough to handle. Honestly, this was outrageous. Kudos to all the women speaking up and using their voices for women and kids & to Joey for brining this to the fore. Respect!