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User @thority shares an article from MercatorNet by Paul McHugh on, a Polish social networking site, and talks about “mutilation” and lawsuits. It was upvoted 694 times.

Link title: Dr Paul McHugh- ruch transgender wśród młodych to głupota.

@thority #swiat #bekzalewactwa #4konserwy #lgbt

Attached post: Taka okaleczona osoba spyta się rodziców po latach- dlaczego pozwoliliście, by to się stało? Rodzice- a bo lekarz powiedział! Wszyscy- to pozwijmy lekarzy! (Eng: Such a mutilated person will ask their parents years later – why did you let this happen? Parents- because the doctor said! Everyone, let’s sue the doctors!)

Three links sit below the attached post. The left link, upvoted 9 times, goes to Paul McHugh’s Wikipedia page. The center link, upvoted 6 times and showing the SEGM logo, is boxed in red and has a red arrow pointing to it. It leads to SEGM’s write-up of the April 2021 detransition study by Elie Vandenbussche of Post Trans. The right link, downvoted 9 times, leads to the Polish Sexological Society’s position statement titled “STANOWISKO PTS WS SYTUACJI SPOŁECZNEJ, ZDROWOTNEJ I PRAWNEJ OSÓB TRANSPŁCIOWYCH” (Eng: Position of the PTS on the Social, Health and Legal Situation of Transgender People).