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Partially censored screenshot of an email exchange on January 11th 2022 between Lee Leveille of Health Liberation Now! and Emily Bazelon of the New York Times.

Text reads:

From: Emily Bazelon
Subject: Re: query for NYT story
To: Me
1/11/2022 7:25PM

Hi, thanks for writing back. Next week is fine. How about Friday the 21st at 3:30 pm?

This is the post ***: I’m trying to understand the different elements of this phenomenon *** I know there are people who experience intense regret, as Bell’s lawsuit makes clear, but I think it’s also important to show that people just move on to different thinking or feelings about gender identity without regretting the earlier steps. I’ve done some interviews to that effect but not with people who consider themselves detransitions. They’ve just changed their medical interventions. I’d like to get a fuller picture of how this fits together, or is in separate pieces, socially and politically. I’m happy to tell you more when we speak if you have more qus.

All best, lmk if that time and day work,


On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 5:28 PM Lee Leveille <***> wrote:

Hi Emily,

Thanks for reaching out! This week is pretty packed for me because of work, so next week would be better. Generally I’m available after 3 EST but might be able to flex that if necessary. Zoom is preferable.

Is there any particular info that you’re interested in hearing more about? Since we cover a lot of different ground on our site, we both want to be sure we’re effectively prepared.

I’m also curious what brought you to exploring the topics of detransition and care for trans and gender diverse youth, if you’re open to sharing!

Lee Leveille