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Research Opportunity: The UnACoRN Study for Youth and Young Adults (ages 15-29)

Following is a call for participants by REAFFIRM Collaborative, an interdisciplinary team committed to promoting 2S/LGBTQ+ health equity and hosted by the Vancouver Centre for Gender & Sexual Health Equity’s Community-Based Cohorts & Social/Policy Research program. This project covers the United States and Canada. Opportunity to win gift cards and a giant stuffed unicorn, with English and French options.

The REAFFIRM Collaborative wants to better understand how and where young people learn about issues related to gender and sexuality. They want to know how young people’s experiences affect how they feel about and express their gender and sexuality. They aim to share what they learn with school administrators, lawmakers, community organizations, healthcare providers, religious organizations, sports teams, and many others to make sure more youth feel safe and affirmed wherever they go. 

Study is open to anyone 15-29 years old living in Canada or the U.S.  More information from their website below!

Keep up with the REAFFIRM Collaborative on Facebook or Instagram!


What’s the UnACoRN Study?

Only you know your true sexuality and gender. But sometimes other people will try to influence how you feel, express, or identify. We’re a team of researchers who want to hear about the times when your sexual and gender feelings, expressions, or identities are doubted and denied… But also, where they’re affirmed and celebrated! Tell us about your experiences by answering our survey!

Who can answer the UnACoRN survey?

Anyone 15-29 years old living in Canada or the U.S. can answer the survey, in English or French. The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete, and you’ll have the chance to enter a draw to win one of 15 $100 gift card prize or a giant stuffed toy unicorn!

Who can I contact if I have questions about the survey?

If you have questions about the survey, contact Sarah Watt, Research Coordinator, at

Looking for more information? Read the consent form to learn more.


Qu’est-ce que l’étude UnACoRN?

Tu es la seule personne à connaître ta véritable sexualité et ton véritable genre. Mais parfois, d’autres personnes peuvent tenter d’influencer la façon dont tu te sens, t’exprime ou tu t’identifies. Nous visons à mieux comprendre les moments où tes sentiments, expressions ou identités sexuelles et de genre ont été mis en doute et niés… Mais aussi les moments où ils sont affirmés et célébrés!

Qui peut répondre au sondage de l’étude UnACoRN?

Toute personne âgée de 15 à 29 ans vivant au Canada ou aux États-Unis peut répondre au sondage en français ou en anglais. Le sondage dure environ 30 minutes. Après avoir répondu au sondage, tu auras la possibilité de participer à un tirage au sort pour gagner soit une carte cadeau de 100$, ou une licorne en peluche!

Qui puis-je contacter si j’ai des questions sur l’étude?

Si tu as des questions sur l’étude, tu peux contacter Sarah Watt, coordinatrice de recherche, à l’adresse

Aimerais-tu avoir plus d’informations? Lis le formulaire de consentement pour en savoir plus!