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Facebook post from joey brite with one of the trans-supportive signs that she tore down and a description of a confrontation she had with a counter-protester.

Left: One of the signs from the counter-protesters that joey brite and her associates ripped down. It reads “Being transgender is NOT NEW, DANGEROUS, or pedophiliac. Stop getting your social views from FOX, you MUSTY FUCKS.

Post text reads: “An unplanned visit back to the spa site and we tore down every single sign that was left on the premises as if they had occupied the entire front of the building. This was one of the signs that we tore down and ripped up but then I later put back together and brought it home. I think there are a lot of messages in this one piece and it relates to the ageism that was expressed by one of the leaders and a couple of minions of hers that were saying to my friend that she needed to open her fanny pack and that she could just go home and they called her a granny and said this was not her fight. I challenged the leader calling out her ageism and all she could spew back at me what’s to say that I was racist and homophobic. This truly is a cult where only certain words and phrases get repeated like mantras over and over again and it’s chilling to have it standing chest a few feet from you looking you in the eye and yelling with conviction these odd phrases and words that really mean nothing.”